These are some products and resources we enjoy and/or find useful and worth recommending.
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Spibelt with inner pocket. (manufacturer's description): Sleek, expandable, secure and does not bounce. Can hold an iPod™, Blackberry™, cell, keys, up to five GU™ packs, and other small personal items. The SPIbelt does not bounce, ride or shift while running or doing other activities. Made in the USA

luten Free Mama is my favorite brand of gluten free flours and pancake mix. They have 2 varieties of flour, rice-almond and rice-cocnut, both of which are a very fine ground with a mild taste. These gluten free flours are not gritty and have no bitter after taste. By far my favorite gluten free flours, but not for those with sensitivities to nuts. I also highly recommend the Gluten Free Mama cookbooks.