By Sally Hara, on August 8th, 2012
 I am often asked what kind of diet a may be helpful for children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD; also sometimes referred to as Pervasive Development Disorders, PDD). Parents and care-givers of these special kids are desperately seeking anything that may help them better cope with their environment and . . . → Read More: Diet for ADHD, Autism, and Sensory Disorders
By Sally Hara, on June 20th, 2012
 Anyone planning on participating in a marathon, triathlon, century ride, long hike, climb, or other endurance event this weekend or in the near future?
Here are a few quick tips for those of you who are carb loading for an endurance event: Start increasing your carbohydrate intake 3 to 4 days before the event. True . . . → Read More: Carb-Loading Tips (and other nutrition hints for endurance events)
By Sally Hara, on June 5th, 2012
 Athletes may experience gastrointestinal (GI) problems resulting from food intolerances that are directly related to exercise and which are not a present when not exercising. . . . → Read More: Exercise-Induced “Food Intolerances”
By Sally Hara, on May 10th, 2012
 Gary Taubes has done it again. He published another op-ed article on obesity and diet and insulin response. The problem is that Gary Taubes knows enough to be dangerous. He is a amazing journalist – an award winning journalist, in fact – so is able to write very persuasive manuscripts that sound like . . . → Read More: Are Refined Sugars and Grains Responsible for Obesity?
By Sally Hara, on April 11th, 2012
 While I’m clearly not in favor of over-consumption of sugar, I have to admit I’m growing a bit tired of all the hype about the evils of sugar. It’s becoming a target for journalists and medical professionals alike… most of whom don’t seem to be clearly considering the bigger picture, and are often misinterpreting . . . → Read More: Sugar Over-Kill; uncovering the truth about sugar in our diets
By Sally Hara, on March 20th, 2012
 Several weeks ago I looked at my beloved pooch and had to make a confession: he is fat… and it’s my fault. I was humbled by my emergence from denial. Operation “Fit Dog” went into practice. In a nutshell, more walks, fewer treats. Though I’ve developed some decent exercise habits over the years, I . . . → Read More: Lessons Learned from My Fat Dog…. about Fit Kids and Lazy Days.
By Sally Hara, on October 13th, 2011
By Sally Hara, on September 28th, 2011
 What is a CSA? CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture” and is a way for people to directly support local farms while reaping the benefit of fresh, locally grown produce. The community supports the farms by not just being a customer, but a farm ‘”share holder” for the season. Consumers pay in advance for . . . → Read More: Want Truly Fresh Produce? Try a CSA.
By Sally Hara, on September 8th, 2011
I was reminded again this week how much I enjoy working with adults with Asperger’s or autism. I frequently work with children on the autistic spectrum and help guide them and their parents through the maze of nutritional factors and concerns that either affect autism or are affected by it. With kids the . . . → Read More: Nutrition Therapy for Adults with Autism
By Sally Hara, on June 3rd, 2011
 It seems everyone is all a-twitter about the USDA’s new nutrition icon MyPlate, which replaced MyPyramid. Personally, I think anything would be an improvement over the nutrition pyramid which, as my young daughter put it, had “all the food piled up at the bottom, and you can’t tell what group it’s in”. I . . . → Read More: Our Plates are Upside Down.