By Sally Hara, on May 20th, 2011%
 I’ve been challenging people to eat more fruits and vegetables this year (trying to encourage rather than nag). I grin to myself when I do this. It’s not a new idea. Even my grandmother told me these are “good for you.” She was right…but I don’t think that she had any idea of just . . . → Read More: What’s the Big Deal About Fruits & Veggies?
By Sally Hara, on February 28th, 2011%
 So far my nutrition challenges have consisted of 1) Eating at least 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, 2) Drinking at least 64 oz. of water each day (additional for exercise), and 3) Eating at least every 3-4 hours. The next challenge should help tie these all together. As with most things . . . → Read More: Nutrition Challenge #4: Game Plan
By Sally Hara, on January 10th, 2011%
 So far, my Nutrition Challenges have included:
Eating at least 7 servings of fruits & vegetables each day Drinking at least 64 fluid ounces of water each day Eating at least every 3-4 hours (multiple small meals/ large snacks)
On the surface these seem simple enough, but it may be more challenging to keep . . . → Read More: How to Set Yourself up for Success!
By Sally Hara, on January 7th, 2011%
 One of the most common mistakes I see people make is going too long without eating….For people trying to control their weight, skipping meals or snacks can set them up to fail. …Athletes who don’t eat much during the day are at a disadvantage too, even if they are not at high risk for obesity. . . . → Read More: Nutrition Challenge # 3: Eat Often
By Sally Hara, on December 21st, 2010%
 Here in the Puget Sound area we are surrounded by water..and have no shortage of rain. BUT…are you drinking enough water to optimize your health (and athletic performance)? How much IS enough?
The standard recommendation has always been to consume at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day (or 64 oz./day). The truth . . . → Read More: Nutrition Challenge #2: Water, Water Everywhere..
By Sally Hara, on December 17th, 2010%
 Nutrition Challenge #1 is all about consuming fruits and vegetables. How’s everyone doing? Are old habits getting in the way of this goal? As with any new behavior, increasing regular consumption of fruit and vegetables will likely take a conscious effort and some planning in the beginning. Think ahead to when and where eat . . . → Read More: Start Your Day with Fruits & Veggies
By Sally Hara, on December 14th, 2010%
Understanding that when it comes to improving your nutrition for better health, there is a LOT of advice being offered from a variety of sources, I’ve designed a stepwise series of Nutrition Challenges to guide you to incorporate healthy nutrition habits into your lifestyle one at a time. We’ll start by looking at . . . → Read More: Challenge #1: Fruit & Veggies
By Sally Hara, on December 14th, 2010%

As we approach the end of the year, many people are considering New Year’s resolutions to help improve health and wellness in the coming year. When is comes to health, we often think of adding exercise and cutting back on food. I’d like to offer a fresh approach to improving your personal . . . → Read More: Nutrition Challenge…. let’s get started!