By Sally Hara, on March 21st, 2014%
I’m going to make a prediction. A few years from now, people are going to look back and scoff at all the ‘sugar is evil” advice that is so prevalent these days, just as they are now scoffing at the “fat is evil” advice that was common in the 80’s and 90’s. It . . . → Read More: Can You Find Health by Avoiding Sugar?
By Sally Hara, on March 13th, 2014%
Drinking enough fluids each day is the most important thing you can do to prevent kidney stones.
This prevents substances in the urine from concentrated enough to form stones. The current recommendation is to drink 2 to 3 liters (34 to 68 fluid ounces) of fluid each day. Water is . . . → Read More: Dietary Habits to Help Prevent Kidney Stones
By Sally Hara, on December 7th, 2013%
 photo from http://m.motherjones.com/environment/2013/09/9-surprising-foods-have-more-sugar-krispy-kreme-donut
In response to a claim posted by Mother Jones in the article “9 Surprising Foods With More Sugar Than a Krispy Kreme Doughnut” I would like to propose that all of this focus on the sugar content of foods is misleading. It’s like saying the only gauge on my car . . . → Read More: Sugar focus is out of focus
By Sally Hara, on May 10th, 2012%
 Gary Taubes has done it again. He published another op-ed article on obesity and diet and insulin response. The problem is that Gary Taubes knows enough to be dangerous. He is a amazing journalist – an award winning journalist, in fact – so is able to write very persuasive manuscripts that sound like . . . → Read More: Are Refined Sugars and Grains Responsible for Obesity?
By Sally Hara, on April 11th, 2012%
 While I’m clearly not in favor of over-consumption of sugar, I have to admit I’m growing a bit tired of all the hype about the evils of sugar. It’s becoming a target for journalists and medical professionals alike… most of whom don’t seem to be clearly considering the bigger picture, and are often misinterpreting . . . → Read More: Sugar Over-Kill; uncovering the truth about sugar in our diets
By Sally Hara, on September 28th, 2011%
 What is a CSA? CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture” and is a way for people to directly support local farms while reaping the benefit of fresh, locally grown produce. The community supports the farms by not just being a customer, but a farm ‘”share holder” for the season. Consumers pay in advance for . . . → Read More: Want Truly Fresh Produce? Try a CSA.
By Sally Hara, on June 3rd, 2011%
 It seems everyone is all a-twitter about the USDA’s new nutrition icon MyPlate, which replaced MyPyramid. Personally, I think anything would be an improvement over the nutrition pyramid which, as my young daughter put it, had “all the food piled up at the bottom, and you can’t tell what group it’s in”. I . . . → Read More: Our Plates are Upside Down.
By Sally Hara, on May 20th, 2011%
 I’ve been challenging people to eat more fruits and vegetables this year (trying to encourage rather than nag). I grin to myself when I do this. It’s not a new idea. Even my grandmother told me these are “good for you.” She was right…but I don’t think that she had any idea of just . . . → Read More: What’s the Big Deal About Fruits & Veggies?
By Sally Hara, on January 10th, 2011%
 So far, my Nutrition Challenges have included:
Eating at least 7 servings of fruits & vegetables each day Drinking at least 64 fluid ounces of water each day Eating at least every 3-4 hours (multiple small meals/ large snacks)
On the surface these seem simple enough, but it may be more challenging to keep . . . → Read More: How to Set Yourself up for Success!
By Sally Hara, on January 7th, 2011%
 One of the most common mistakes I see people make is going too long without eating….For people trying to control their weight, skipping meals or snacks can set them up to fail. …Athletes who don’t eat much during the day are at a disadvantage too, even if they are not at high risk for obesity. . . . → Read More: Nutrition Challenge # 3: Eat Often